Intestazione IVSLA

Volume 178, fasc. I-II-III. Study days on venetian glass. Enamelled and Gilded Glass of the Renaissance.

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Il volume raccoglie le seguenti note:
Rosa Barovier Mentasti and Cristina Tonini, Peculiar Sources of Inspiration for Some Venetian Enamelled Glass Vessels of the Renaissance;
Jorge Rodrigues, The Mameluke Glass Collection at the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum: the Light of God and the Pride of Man;
Isabelle Biron and Marco Verità, The Secrets of Renaissance Venetian Enamelled Glass. Identification of Genuine Items and Copies by Chemical Analysis;
Françoise Barbe, On the Traces of the Gilded and Enamelled Pilgrim Flasks Held in the Treasury of the Saint Anne Basilica in Apt;
Elena Anisimova, Renaissance Venetian Glass with Enamel Painting from the State Hermitage Museum Collection (St. Petersburg);
Silvia Ferucci, Rosa Barovier Mentasti and Cristina Tonini, The Renaissance Enamelled Vessels from Padua Santa Chiara Monastery
Adriana Bernardi, Definition and Control of Microclimate in Environments of the Conservation and Exhibition of Fragile Artifacts, with Particular Attention to Venetian Enamelled Renaissance Glasses;
Aurélie Gerbier and Suzanne Higgott, French Renaissance Glass with Figurative Enamelling;
Luca Pesante, Glass in Rome in the XVI Century;
Francesca Visone, Andrea Cagnini, Simone Porcinai, Marco Verità, Elena Tesser and Fabrizio Antonelli, The Bargello Venetian Gilded, Enamelled Blue Goblet. A Portable XRF Archaeometric Investigation;
Mari Yanagishita and Andrea Cagnini, A Special Case of Selective Degradation: the Blue Enamels of the Reliquary of Saint Erina, in the Collection of the Museum of Cappelle Medicee, Florence;
Clara Menganna, Glass in Umbria in the 16th Century;
Maria Stella Florio, Antonio Salviati and Henry Layard’s Association in the Murano Revival. The Legal Context;
Mauro Stocco, Imitation of the Renaissance Enamelled Glasses in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century. Some Examples from the Museo del Vetro of Murano;

Condizioni: Nuovo
Da inserire:

  • Collana: Atti Sc Fisiche
  • Pagine: 216
  • Formato: 15,7x24 cm.
  • Lingua: English
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2019-2020
  • Editore: IVSLA
  • ISBN: 03926680

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