Intestazione IVSLA

Volume 181, fasc. I-II-III. Study days on venetian glass. Diamond-Point Engraved and Cold-Painted Glass of the Renaissance and Baroque Periods

15.00 €

A cura di Rosa Barovier e Cristina Tonini
Il volume raccoglie le seguenti note:
Rosa Barovier Mentasti and Cristina Tonini, Venetian diamond-point engraved and gilt glass of the Renaissance and Baroque period;
Marco Verità, Paola Santopadre, Andrea Cagnini and Simone Porcinai, Medieval italian gilded glasses decorated with cut and engraved gold leaf;
Rainald Franz, Diamond-point engraved and cold painted glass decoration in Austrian glass from the 16Th to the 17Th century: from Hall to Ambras to Vienna;
Eva Lenhart, Diamond-point engraving and lampworking: a covered goblet with Crucifixion group from the glass collection of Archduke Ferdinand II of Tyrol;
Alice Fuin, Reverse cold-painted renaissance glass: the relationship with prints and the importance of iconographic recognition for chronological hypotheses. Some case studies from the Murano Glass Museum collection;
Mauro Stocco, The reliquary of Burano in the Museo del Vetro of Murano.

Condition: New
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  • Series: Atti Sc Fisiche
  • Pages: 126 p.
  • Language: English
  • Publication date: 2022-2023
  • Publisher: IVSLA
  • Ref: 03926680

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